Some time ago(actually quite a long time ago now) I was playing with CMIS using Apache Chemistry, Camel, Talend… and created a camel-cmis connector. And recently this component reached camel trunk, so here are some example how it can be used.
Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is an open standard that defines an abstraction layer for accessing diverse document management systems and repositories using web protocols. Administered by OASIS and backed by Adobe, Alfresco, HP, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle and many more, it defines data model and query language for accessing content repositories in a language agnostic way.
Apache Chemistry project provides open source implementations of the CMIS specification. It has implementations in Java, Python, PHP and .Net.
The component uses OpenCMIS (Apache Chemistry's Java implementation) and contains a producer and a consumer. The producer can be used in two ways:Create nodes (documents with content data, folders and other node types) from Camel messages. In the example below, the route will copy all of the files from the local file system into a demo directory in Alfresco demo cmis server using the file name as node name.
Query the content repository using cmis query language. The result of the query is a list in the body of the message. The route below will retrieve all documents with name containing the word 'camel', split them and store each one into the local file system, using the document name as the file name.
The consumer accepts a cmis query through the options. If the query string is not provided, the consumer will iterate the complete content tree recursively starting from the root node. Using this option you can replicate the complete cmis structure into another cmis repository (as in the following example, which tries to copy the complete alfresco repo into nuxeo one - don't do this at home) or back it up into the local file system. Notice that to retrieve the actual content data for document nodes, you have to set the readContent option additionally.
If the target repository doesn't support support CMIS, but JCR try replacing the endpoint with the camel-jcr component, or choose something else from one of the 120 existing Camel components.
I have to create folders in the specific defined Alfresco site, so can you please help.
I tried using cmis:path but didnt work and without having sessions.
I suggest you check in the Apache Chemistry list, or Apache Camel user list.
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